Youuuuuuuu guessed it! Philosophy class day. Once at 10:05am and once at 6:20pm, with a literature class in between at 11:30am. Longest. Day. Of. The. Week. I really enjoy my literature class, but this philosphy class is going to be the death of me. There are a couple kids I've started talking to (it's literally me and all the kids from Notre Dame in that class, so I don't know anyone) and they seem nice. Don't ask me their names though beacuse I couldn't tell you. I still can't get over how much my professor uses the word "joder" each class. Any time he asks us a question he literally stops and is like, "Joderrrrr, what a question!". It's actually rather distracting. Oh! The other thing he does is he uses 1234512321 adjectives to describe one thing. He was opening the windows in our classroom for the morning class and kept describing the morning. But in every way that came to his mind. Then he was describing the class and called it, "interesante", "interesantísimo", "super interesante" and "super interesantísimo". Ok thanks Prof.... I think we've got the idea. It's going to be really interesting.
I don't know who's idea of interesting we are dealing with here, but it didn't quite fit my definition. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open. I'm glad I take descent notes because right now I can't remember what we talked about. The class ended at 11:20am and I was off to my literature class (in the same classroom, so I didn't have to go very far!). This class was significantly more interesting. We are reading Lazarillo de Tormes, a book I've actually read before (or at least parts of it). We spent more or less the whole class talking about it. We got out at 12:45pm and I headed home since I didn't have class again until 6:20pm. I can't get over how odd the timing is here.
I got home, ate lunch, and just relaxed until it was time to go to class again. My "grandparents" came over at some point, too. I like it when they are around, both of them are hysterical. My "grandma" told me that the next time I am over at their house, she is going to teach me how to make tortilla of sorts (I *think* it's called a French Tortilla; it's basically a giant omelet with potato in it). She tells me it's really easy, and I believe her. I'm excited; my first time making something Spanish! :D
Earlier in the day, my "sister" had fallen while running in her PE class and hurt her wrist. It hadn't stopped hurting a few hours later, so just as I was getting ready to leave for class, everyone left to go take her to the doctor. I'm glad they at least waiting (intentionally or unintentionally) until I was leaving for class. From what I heard later, it's nothing too serious. She has to keep it wrapped and in a sling for 15 days, but by then it should be better.
15 minutes after they left for the doctor, I left for my 2nd philosophy class. I got to the Funación early and went to visit Elle (who was waiting for Kami). I made the mistake of laying down on her bed because I did not want to get up again... Especially to go to my philosphy class. But up I got and to class I went. The second class was one of those classes where every time you look at the clock to see how much time has passed, it's only been 5 minutes. The class is 1hr 15minutes long. That is a lot of 5 minute segments. Finally the class ended and I met up with Elle again and we grabbed some ice cream. I would have stayed here for dinner, but before my "mom" left with everyone to take Belén to the doctor, she had made me dinner and left it in the fridge so I needed to go home and eat. Which was fine because she had made me GASPACHO! Mmmmmm.... I love gazpacho. (Mommy, I promise to get you the recipe soon!)
So I ate dinner, and then started watching the new Glee from this week. I was half way through when my "family" got home. I still have no idea what happens in the end at the moment. Hopefully I'll get a chance to finish it later! So they walk in, turn on the TV and go change clothes. I swear, I was meant to be a Spaniard. They change clothes almost as much as I do! And I love the way their food schedule is. I should have been a Spaniard instead of American... Anyhow, my "mom" was changing in my "dad" comes in and asks if I was going to watch the TV show that was up next. I said yes and he told me that I am being converted to the "dark side". I laughed! He is much sillier/goofier than I originally gave him credit for.
I layed there watching TV with my mom and chatting for awhile, then my "sister" came in and wanted me to read through some of her English homework with her. She reads really well in English. Some of the sounds (like the short vowels sounds) are hard for her, but besides that she truly does really well. I had to help with a few words, but they are more academic words and not ones that would be used all the time. My favorite word that she tried to pronounce was "hedgehog". For someone who learned to read in Spanish fist, it sounds really funny to prounce it phenetically! Helping her in English is also a good learning experience for me. She'll ask what something means (last night it was the word "isolated") and I have to try and think of a way to explain it, but in Spanish. I have spent a lot of energy trying to think of ways to explain English concepts in Spanish, and in a way that will make sense. It's been challenging, but I think I've managed pretty well so far :)
My mom and I stayed up until 1:00am just talking and watching whatever was on TV. I really do like our night time routines. We (ok, I) spent a fair amount of time talking about why English is so hard to learn. At least when it comes to reading/spelling. I was tried to explain how a silent "e" at the end of a word just changes the sound of the vowel. This was a hard concept for her to understand since vowels in Spanish only have one sound. I did tell her, though, that I had trouble reading in English because I wanted to pronounce everything phenetically like I did in Spanish. She thought that was funny :) Why does everyone seem to laugh at my struggling?? :P
At some point, both of us were getting tired, so we headed to bed. Fortunately I didn't have to get up early, so I could sleep in! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
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