Monday, October 17, 2011

Thursday, October 13th

"One. More. Day.  One. More. Class.  Then: WEEKENDDDDD!!!!!!!"  Those were my thoughts Thursday morning.  Good thing I actually like this class (mostly).  I got up at 10:00am to get ready.  Fortunately my "sister" had class, so my "mom" put out my cereal bowl! :P  At 11:00am I caught the bus to school.

Thursdays are my Art History class.  The way it usually works is we meet in the lobby in the morning and go on "field trips" to the buildings we are going to talk about in our afternoon session.  But this week things worked differently.  Our morning session went the same as always, but instead of having our afternoon session in the classroom, we spent 2 hours at the cathedral.  Which means that instead of having class from 3:30pm-4:45pm, we had class from 2:40pm-4:45pm.  It was a LONG time.  At least we kept moving and didn't have to sit still for that long, like our class 2 weeks ago.

I don't go home for lunch on Thursdays since there really is no time (especially when my teacher randomly throws in a class at 2:40pm!).  I have gotten closer to new people and have started eating lunch with them.  They are really really funny.  I feel like we are constantly laughing about one thing or another.  After lunch that day, I knew that I wanted to spend time over the weekend with them and get to know them better.

Lunch ended and class begun again.  Two whole hours in the cathedral.  I'd been there with friends within the first couple of weeks I was here, so I was kind of bored.  I'm thinking, "Ugh, I've seen this already."  But I guess it was good to get an explanation of what everything was from the teacher...  Still, it took a LONG time for her to say, "See you next week!"  Part of that might have been because it was Thursday... a.k.a. the weekend.

I know this is boring, but I literally did nothing Thursday night (intentionally).  The whole week had been really stressful (for a number of different reasons) and I needed a night to just sit on the couch and watch mindless TV.  Thursday nights mean "El Barco" too!!!  So I watched that with my whole "family" and then headed to bed because I was exhausted.

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